Apply for the Bridgehead Accelerator

The Bridgehead programme provides European start-ups and scale-ups with individualised support in growing their validated businesses beyond their home markets. During this process, start-ups are guided by members of EIT Health’s vetted European network of top-notch accelerators, who open the right doors to establish and grow cross-border business.

Start-ups connect to one or more accelerators of their choice to receive support. The accelerators help the start-ups speed access to markets, tap into local networks of partners and clients, access infrastructure and get a first-hand feel for the local reglementary and business contexts of new markets.

The Bridgehead programme operates within two distinct tracks to meet the start-ups’ demands: Bridgehead Europe and Bridgehead Global. Both programmes are similar in structure but differ in organisation. Bridgehead Europe aims at helping start-ups expand their business beyond their home market into a different European country, and Bridgehead Global aims at internationalisation beyond Europe. Depending on their internalisation needs, start-ups can apply to either one or another in a given year.

Bridgehead Europe

The European Bridgehead programme is focused on start-ups that want to expand their business into another European market.

The programme follows an individual and needs-based approach by matching promising start-ups and SMEs to suitable clusters, accelerators and incubators (so-called CATalysers or CATs) from the EIT Health European network. The participating start-ups receive vouchers of up to €30 000 to travel to CATs of their choice and receive their services. CATs are trusted and seasoned local support teams that guide the start-ups and can open the right doors to establish and grow cross-border businesses. The programme also offers mentoring, services, resources and vacant physical spaces to start-ups that need them.

Is it for me?

The EIT Health Bridgehead Europe Programme is suitable for micro- and small enterprises (less than 50 employees) that are active in the fields of MedTech, BioTech and Digital Health, are incorporated in an H2020-eligible country, and are operating in an EU country. Applicants should have a defined product strategy, proven traction in their home market and a clear internationalisation plan in Europe.

Application deadlines

  • First cut-off: 27 February 2020, 23:59h CET.

  • Second cut-off: 10 May 2020, 23:59h CET.

Apply here

Bridgehead Global

Bridgehead Global is an internationalisation programme to facilitate European health start-ups in scaling out beyond Europe. The programme’s aim is to prepare the ground for international expansion and to help start-ups achieve their first tangible business results in non-European markets. The programme follows an individual and needs-based approach by matching promising start-ups and SMEs to suitable clusters, accelerators and incubators (Global CATalysers, or Global CATs) that are based in Europe and cooperate with their own network of global partners beyond Europe.

EIT Health provides funding up to €40 000 for SMEs to work with a Global CAT who will guide the start-up and facilitate their preparation and readiness to travel to the location of their choice within EIT Health’s network of collaborators beyond-Europe, including the US, Canada, Israel, China and Japan, among others. The participants are individually supported in entering new markets with knowledge about specific countries’ healthcare systems, regulatory environments, key stakeholders and competitors. Global CATs offer Bridgehead Global start-ups structured access to vibrant eco-systems, with connections to industries, corporations, venture capital, entrepreneurs, experts, specialists and mentors.

Is it for me?

The EIT Health Bridgehead Global Programme is suitable for micro- and small enterprises (less than 50 employees) that are active in the fields of MedTech, BioTech and Digital Health, are incorporated in an H2020-eligible country, and are operating in an EU country. Applicants should have a defined product strategy, proven traction in their home market and a clear internationalisation plan for going beyond Europe.

Application deadline

  • 16 March 2020, 23:59h CET.

Apply here