Based on Alison Edgar MBE’s best-selling book, Secrets of Successful Sales, this members’ masterclass focuses on her four pillars of sales; Behaviours, Process, Strategy, and Confidence. If you want to learn the fundamental of sales to maximise your business or career potential, this is an imperative skillset to learn.
Alison Edgar MBE also known as “The Entrepreneur’s Godmother” to a plethora of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, brings a matchless amalgamation of outside of the box thinking, insight, and knowledge to the world of professional development.
Her teachings have pioneered culture change within her five-star global clientele such as Sky, Equifax, The NHS, and The Discovery Channel, where she has delivered her world-class ‘Intrapreneurship’ methodology to enhance the development of teams by helping employees to think like entrepreneurs.
Behaviours: DISC Psychometric Profiling
Have you ever met someone you don’t like? Chances are, it comes back to the four behaviour types by DISC. This session will include an overview of the colours, providing you with actionable takeaways to uncover and build relationships that were previously out of reach due to a fundamental disparity of behaviours.
All good salespeople follow a process, not a script. We’ll be uncovering the key steps to help you make more sales by following a simple step by step process.
Have you ever felt like you’ve exhausted all of your routes to market and you’re still not making sales? Alison will help you to understand how to pivot your existing strategy to make more money within your business.
If you’re not confident in you, nobody else will be either. By understanding mindset and CBT, Alison will educate you to feel confident within yourself to grow your business or sales.
You will be sent the Zoom link and agenda the day before the event. This masterclass will start promptly at 10am on Tuesday 15th February 2022 and finish at 12pm.