#3 - Running A Marathon
One trick I use when I find my productivity wavering is to remind myself that progress is never entirely linear, but rather a series of ups and downs that gradually trend upwards (please enjoy my incredibly scientific illustration):
I find that reminding myself that this is all part of the process just instantly changes my mindset.
That being said, this month has still involved a lot of progress! We started marketing on social media about 2 weeks ago in preparation for our upcoming public beta launch (as I mentioned in the last post, we’ve already started rolling out privately). Since then, we've already received just under 2 million organic content views - translating into 200 additional waitlist signups and tripling our following!
We’re planning on going public with the beta in the next 3 or so weeks, and in the meantime are fixing bugs and implementing user feedback from our testers, as it’s important to us to make a good first impression when we release to the full waitlist.
So, while we may not be bulldozing through our to-do lists like the machines we were in January, we definitely made some good progress that we can be proud of!