Graduate Enterprise | Neuro Ai founder takes part in Seeking Out

Seeking Out is a podcast founded on the belief that every single one of us has a story to tell or an experience to share. Their mission as storytellers is to find everyday people with interesting experiences and stories to share and feature them on their weekly show.

Seeking Out The Next Generation, is their very first podcast series and it does what it says on the tin – shining a light on the upcoming generations and the issues and experiences that are important to them.

Seeking Out has launched a series where they interview the next generation of entrepreneurs to find out about their businesses and what makes them tick as people. Some of the entrepreneurs sharing their stories are graduates of the University of Bath and have been supported through the SETsquared Bath Innovation Centre. We’ll share some of these Seeking Out - Entrepreneur podcasts so you can get to know your fellow members and associates a bit better!

This Seeking Out edition features Paul Hetherington, a 22-year old CEO and co-founder of Neuro Ai – a business that makes computers specifically for Artificial Intelligence. Paul is currently on our Alumni Innovation Award year where he was awarded a competitive university grant to start his own business. He is also a member of SETsquared Bath and keeps a guest blog for us here when he has the time!

If you want to connect with Paul on social media he is @phethers on Twitter and the company’s Twitter handle is @AiNeuro and their website is

Almost every problem can be solved - Paul Hetherington

Almost every problem can be solved - Paul Hetherington