COVID - 19 | Residential Members at the Innovation Centre now eligible for support

Small businesses in shared offices or flexible workspace

The government has set up a discretionary fund to be administered by local authorities.

Government has requested that one of the business types to be prioritised for the fund are small businesses that have exclusive use of a unit within a shared/flexible workspace, but do not have their own business rates assessment. Examples include units in offices, industrial parks, science parks and incubators. This is specifically for those that are outside the scope of the present business grant funds scheme set out by Government.

One application only is permitted per business within the West of England region. Businesses with exclusive use of a unit within a shared/flexible workspaces with not more than 10 employees will receive a grant of £2,500 and those with 11 - 49 employees will receive a grant of £5,000.

You will need to register online and you can find details on the eligibility criteria and information you will need to provide with your application here:

The scheme is open for two weeks from today and will close on the 10th June 2020.

If you have any questions please contact the local grants team: BusinessGrants_Appeal@BATHNES.GOV.UK

This grant scheme widens access to support to businesses who are struggling to survive due to the Coronavirus shutdown but are unable to access other grant funding.

Please do check the website for key updates on other support measures available to businesses:

You can also follow the Invest in Bath on Twitter @InvestinBath and sign up for their monthly newsletter. Please do not hesitate to contact the team at with any questions and issues you may be facing and they will seek to respond as soon as possible.