Innovate UK offering extensions on projects affected by COVID-19

Innovate UK would like to inform our members that if you are a recipient of an Innovate UK award and your project is being affected by COVID-19 you can apply for an extension of up to three months. We’ve shared the details from Innovate UK below.

Project Change Requests (PCRs)

Innovate UK is expecting a significant number of our 2,500 live projects to request urgent changes to their projects to adapt to the current circumstances. We believe it is a priority to support businesses who are experiencing challenges related to COVID-19.
We have created a fast track process to facilitate “no cost” time extension requests of up to three months for reasons relating to COVID-19, subject to a valid business case and normal legal and compliance requirements. This will allow project managers more flexibility to respond to the current difficulties, but still deliver good project outcomes despite the challenging circumstances. Loans clients should contact their Credit Specialist in the first instance to understand how this change will be implemented. All other project change requests will follow our existing processes.
We recognise that some projects are currently not eligible to be considered for extensions, for example Smart programmes and those that have hard budget deadlines, such as the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF). These projects will now be able to submit PCRs for extensions of up to three months for reasons relating to COVID-19, in line with all other Innovate UK projects.
Where projects are funded by Innovate UK partners, we are seeking agreement with them on the approach.

Innovate UK ask that you contact your Monitoring Officer in the first instance.