Covid-19 | POLICY UPDATE #2

In view of the Prime Minister’s announcement yesterday evening we have no alternative but to take the drastic step of closing down the Innovation Centre reception. From 12:30pm today the reception will be virtual although in emergencies, resident businesses will still be able to access their offices using their keycards and you will be able to contact us on the usual number. We would encourage working from home wherever possible unless you have been provided with documentation that your presence is essential.

During this period we would ask that resident businesses (except Zynstra) use a home address for parcel delivery and put in place temporary redirects for postal delivery. We will arrange to credit postal redirect charges for resident businesses to cover the next three months (one business name per resident) on receipt of proof of purchase against your next invoice. For parcels, please can you arrange for couriers to be provided with a contact number as we will not be able to accept delivery at the Centre. Please note that all our business support activities via SETsquared Bath; the ERDF Hub programmes; and our in-residence and mentoring services remain available both to new applicants and existing members through virtual delivery and we are continuing to develop further online support to help businesses through this difficult period. Please keep an eye on the newsletter and visit regularly for updates on how these services are developing and how you can access them. We also have a dedicated Covid-19 Business Support page which we are currently updating each day.

Hopefully the current lockdown period will be short and (more importantly) effective and that we are all able safely to return soon to normal working.

Keep safe!


Brian Prescott

Centre Director SETsquared Bath