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Revolutionary Wellness Technology:  researched & reviewed by Healthcare Professionals

Tell us about Well Professor?

With technology transforming everything, health and well-being is one area where we all have a vested interest. And with the world looking on, the space is clearly set to explode. By 2020, 33 million wearables are set to be in use in the UK. Tracking everything from activity levels and markers of stress, to the quality of your sleep. With big promises and even bigger claims in a widely unregulated industry, where do we start? What’s for me? Not for me? And most importantly of all, who do I trust?

Trust, real trust, is created through a combination of; expertise and objectivity, understanding and empathy, openness and honesty. That’s where we come in, we are ‘Well Professor?’ the leading curator of Health and Wellness Technology. Through our website we help emerging health tech brands accelerate trust and connect them to early adopters that will propel their reputation.

At ‘Well Professor?’ our team of healthcare professionals and network of University partners have been working with health technology from its very early days. We scour the world for the most innovative, ground-breaking, cutting edge, disruptive products. Once we find them we test them in our Lab, test them again, and then we test them again. If they make the grade, then consumers test them, and they become part of our trusted environment for products and consumers.


Which business sectors do Well Professor? fall in to?

  • Biotechnology

  • Digital Content

  • Electronics

  • Healthcare


Who’s on the team?

Director - Steve Tulba

Director - Steve Harper

Director - Samuel Maddock

Dr David Broome


Well Professor?’s latest blog


You can find out more about Well Professor? via their website and follow them on Twitter here.