SEIP Programme Event Series 2019 Background & Purpose

We believe inclusive growth is possible

South West startups are creating business models that tackle social and environmental challenges. At the same time, investors and funders are looking for market opportunities to make a positive impact.

The same innovative spark that drives economic growth is now bringing about a more inclusive, sustainable economy: creating new market opportunities in housing, health, technology, the circular economy and employment.

The Opportunity

Over the last two and a half years, the Social Enterprise and Innovation Programme has supported more than 300 startups to develop and bring to market new business ideas that deliver positive impact.

In that time, we’ve seen how the landscape has changed as more and more people and organisations have got involved. What was once a niche sector is becoming a diverse, vibrant marketplace of ideas and opportunities.

Today, we want to learn more from this and work together to create a more diverse, inclusive and resilient South West economy.

The opportunity is connect the people, new ideas and existing ventures delivering positive change with the resources, access to market and expertise that exists within our regional economy.

The Gaps

The inclusive economy has come on in leaps and bounds, but there is still lots of work to do to ensure that the financing options on offer truly meet the needs of emerging enterprises and promising business ideas.

By developing the right financing and support infrastructure, we can build an economy that accesses untapped talent and connects innovative business ideas with resources, partners and markets.

Our Goal

Our vision is a region where new business ideas that create positive impact receive the backing and support they need to thrive. Our aim is to foster more collaboration between a range of local, regional and national players in support of new business ideas:

  • Collaborating to identify and enable new market entrants

  • Bringing different skills, knowledge and risk profiles on the investment side

  • Ensuring that what’s offered serves diverse business needs

How to get involved

The SEIP will stage a number of conversations and gatherings in 2019, capturing emerging knowledge and engaging a broad array of stakeholders in driving the positive future development of impact business / impact investing market.

These will include:

  • Event: Financing Inclusive Growth, 3rd April

  • Report: The Western Front

  • Impact Finance Working Group: Cross sector partners exploring new opportunities

  • Peer-led Workshops: Stage & established businesses from the SEIP programme & others

  • Conversations: Webinar-style conversations building on Financing Inclusive Growth Event

  • September Event: Enterprise Showcase - closing the SEIP programme and drawing together programme learning.

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