Alumni Innovation Award open | Apply now

2019 Alumni Innovation Award winners at the SETsquared Bath university incubator

2019 Alumni Innovation Award winners at the SETsquared Bath university incubator


The Alumni Innovation Award is now open for applications and we have four awards to make this year. The closing date is Tuesday 18th February 2020 and the selection panel will meet on Tuesday 25th February 2020.

The University of Bath provides a nurturing environment for enterprising minds. We pride ourselves on the comprehensive range of activities on offer to students to develop their own ideas and gain valuable experience during their degree programme. With the introduction of the Alumni Innovation Awards in 2017, we seek to build on this foundation by offering promising graduates the chance to win an award to help take an innovative idea to market. Award winners are supported to develop their ideas into viable businesses, encouraging the next generation of entrepreneurs. Through these awards we aim to encourage a culture of change across the University, with students seeing an aspiration to become an entrepreneur as a clear and viable career choice. With the help of the SETsquared network and award winning business incubation programme, the scheme aims to help launch businesses which have the potential for true global impact.

Read about the 2018-19 winners: Eoin Sharkey, Parimala Prasad and Nia Simpson


More info

- the scheme is open to applications from final year students, post-graduates and researchers at the University of Bath

- applicants must be in their final year of study or research

- awards are typically made to individuals from any department/school or complimentary pairs of individuals from two different departments

- an award (grant) of up to £15,000 (£1,500 of this funds a year of Virtual Membership at the SETsquared Bath award winning business incubator).

Awards are allocated at the discretion of the panel. Funds will be allocated in three tranches on the condition that milestones in the project plan are met. Your SETsquared Bath business mentor will monitor progress and sign off on the milestones before each part is paid to you.