KPMG’s Best British Tech Pioneer (BBTP) 2020 competition

Six years of celebrating, connecting and propelling British Tech pioneers. Entering is simple. Applicants will need to complete our short application form, which can be found here.

Since launching BBTP in 2013, this annual competition has been propelling forward the game changers, the disruptors and tech titans of tomorrow. BBTP finalists receive an incredible opportunity to profile their businesses to senior corporate decision makers, investors and the media. This includes presenting their business at Mobile World Congress (MWC) and Four Years from Now (4YFN) in Barcelona, February 2020 - the world’s largest annual mobile industry gathering.

Out of the ordinary. Out in front.

Applications close at 11.59pm on Sunday 1 December 2019.

The Best British Tech Pioneers competition was formerly known as Best British Tech Startup and Best British Mobile Startup competition.

Winners package

Six finalists will win the opportunity to profile their business:

  • Pitch on one of the main stages at the 2020 Four Years From Now (4YFN) at Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, February 2020.

  • Exhibit at 4YFN Barcelona in February 2020 at a dedicated, prominent booth. The conference is attended by 20,000+ founders, investors and corporate decision makers from around the world. Flight, accommodation, exhibiting platform and conference pass are included.

  • Profile your business with the media before, during and after MWC, leveraging KPMG channels.

  • Attend KPMG events with business luminaries and CEOs from leading fast growth private UK business.

Access the application form

What are they looking for?

Applicants are judged on three fundamental criteria:

  • Innovation and disruption: with respect to business model, market approach, processes, and/or technology.

  • Market potential: within existing market (and therefore taking market share) or in the creation of a new market segment.

  • Traction and momentum: with respect to funding raised, established distribution channels, industry partnerships, user growth and/or and growing sales.

At latter stages of the competition such as UK pitching heats and at Mobile World Congress, applicants will also be judged on their pitch quality.