It is important to identify who owns relevant IP, before any further steps can be taken in relation to commercialisation or exploitation. During your time at university, you may be an intellectual property creator without knowing it. Intellectual property in this instance would be any creation of the mind that is capable of being protected by law; which by definition includes literary works, musical works, artistic works, computer programs, trade secrets, trademarks, designs and even patentable inventions. The chances of you creating some form of intellectual property during your time at university are considerable and therefore it is important that you know where you stand.
Dr. Philip Brown, Head of Technology Transfer
Phil is responsible for overseeing the Technology Transfer team. They will work with you to commercialise your research through:
identifying the commercial value of your research
protecting the intellectual property of your research
working with industry to commercialise your research
negotiating with licensees, investors and partners
Phil supports research commercialisation for life sciences at the University.
Dr. Phil Brown
Phil's early career was spent developing DNA based diagnostics at the University of Cambridge and at a biotechnology company, Cytocell Ltd. Phil then moved into the commercial side of science working at PharmaVentures Ltd, a pharmaceutical business consultancy, and within the commercial team at Vectura Ltd. This was originally a Bath spin-out, focusing on drug delivery to the lungs.
He also spent time working for Esperante Ventures, undertaking commercial due diligence for biotechnology investments.
Phil has been at the University of Bath for over eight years and has been part of the team that has formed Ceryx Medical Ltd, Gen3D Limited, 3UG Autonomous Systems and BLOC Laboratories. He is currently the University Director for both Ceryx Medical Ltd and BLOC Laboratories.
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