#4 - New Year, Same Great Swapping with Dopplle
Starting the year off strong, our app received a new update, which contained some exciting features to enhance our users' swapping experience. Download Dopplle today and have a look at our Profile Editor Refresh, or follow one of your favourite Doppllers for notifications on new items and fashion inspo.
The new www.dopplle.com website was launched with a complete refresh on its style. We feel this aligns massively with our branding and our app. This also coincides with the relaunch of our weekly blog! I have started up our weekly blogs again which involve general Dopplle updates, discussions on sustainable lifestyle, movements in the fashion industry and more.
January also comes with Veganuary, and Dopplle decided to have a go at making more vegan meals! Uploading weekly recipe attempts has been entertaining for us and probably our users too… If you want to see what we have made, head over to our TikTok! https://www.tiktok.com/@dopplle
The monthly (at least, we try to catch up monthly) update with the other Innovation Award holders, Natasha and EJ, was lovely as per usual. It is always great to discuss ideas, throw thoughts around and just chat about what we have been up to, knowing we are all in a similar boat.
After lots of sitting down at a desk this month, I am excited to start the next month with some in person events, clothes swapping and new projects! University of Bath students - keep an eye out on our Instagram because we have just announced our next swap shop... Coming to Beneath cocktail bar in Bath on the 23rd February!